Top 60 Postcode Performance Reports

This report aggregates postcodes' real estate data to simple comparable information
Now Filterable by Capital City!


This report will enable you to track and predict all of the latest postcode and property trends - from an independent researcher you KNOW you can trust. 

Users can hand pick from the following categories -

  • Top 60 highest yielding localities: houses
  • Top 60 highest yielding localities: units
  • Fastest rental growth: houses
  • Fastest rental growth: units
  • Top sixty tightest vacancy rates
  • Top sixty loosest vacancy rates
  • Lowest ratio of stock on market

From which SQM Research will customize a list of the top 60 postcodes, based on each of the classifications chosen as well as providing you with a range of relevant data and statistics to your chosen category. For examples of the type of data provided, See your free sample of each category below!

Top 60 Postcode Performance reports - Free Sample

These postcode reports are updated twice monthly, meaning you receive the very latest postcode data and are able to download the exact reports that match your chosen property investment strategy.

The reports use live, on the market sales and rental listings data. Accuracy is maximised by only publishing postcode results with large enough data sample size, calculated at both a dwelling type and bedroom number level. Data is split between houses and units so you can be more selective when choosing your postcode.

You will discover key locality trends and data including:

  • The postcodes producing the highest rental yields right now - ideal if you are looking for positive cash flow.
  • The postcodes with the lowest vacancy rates  - incredibly useful if you are looking for very stable rental income with growth potential.
  • The suburbs with the lowest ratio of stock on market to established properties. These are localities that may well be on the cusp of a rapid price rise.

Yes, we are talking about getting your hands on the BEST locality guides INSTANTLY – with more localities at less than half the price of our competitors.

SQM Research provides a money back guarantee (subject to conditions) on your purchase of this product.


1 report: $59.95

2 reports: $99.95

3 reports: $120.00

Additional reports are $25 each
A one off purchase allows you access to the report(s) for one month .


Subscribe to all of these reports for $125.00 per month

Remember, with our subscriptions you can cancel out any time* for no additional fees. It really does make sense to be a subscriber!

* You must cancel before the next payment is due


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Top 60 Postcode Performance Report

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